Gary Michelson claims he was defrauded, Judge disagrees

This one is a really stupid lawsuit. It reminds me of the teak farms. Gary loses no money yet still claims fraud. G. Karlin MICHELSON et al., Plaintiffs and Appellants, v. Bert S. CAMP, Defendant and Respondent.

A man wanted a loan against his property on La Cienega. Gary had it appraised. It appraised at $900K. Gary loaned about $475K on that property and a vacant lot worth $100K. The owner of the property didn’t make payments and went bankrupt. The bankruptcy court orders an appraisal. The property is only worth $375K plus $35K for the vacant lot. Someone tells Gary the property is worth $1M. Gary bid $652K at the foreclosure sale. That amount is the amount of the note, foreclosure fees, attorney fees, interests, insurance…

Because Gary Michelson bid $652K on his own, that established legal “market value.” Gary Michelson then sold the property for $400K at what he believes to be a loss. “Appellants stated that they had incurred $200,000 in out-of-pocket losses, which they defined to include taxes, insurance, and attorney’s and foreclosure fees.   Appellants further contended they were entitled not just to out-of-pocket losses, but to loss of the “benefit of the bargain” measured by the difference between the fair market value of the property and $900,000.”

This really sounds like teak farms. Judge ruled that they lost nothing. They cannot sue for “benefit of the bargain.”No one forced them to bid $652K at the foreclosure sale. If anyone should have been sued here, it was the appraiser. Even then Gary didn’t lose money because of the bad appraisal. He knowingly bid $652K in the foreclosure sale. He didn’t have to bid at all as he was the first. He could have bid $475K or $400K or $300K. You don’t have to bid the full amount. He should have also done another appraisal and not just taken someone’s word for it.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates,,, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride

Dr. Gary Michelson gets ripped off again, 1980-1986

Below is link to an appeal case for breach of contract, fraud…. Right out of Gary Michelson’s residency a spine doctor by the name of JAMES S. HAMADA offered to share his medical space with Gary in 1980. As usual Gary Michelson said paraphrased “I just want to do my medical work. I don’t want to handle accounting, supplies, money, payroll….you handle all of that for me, complete stranger that I’ve never met before and didn’t even do a background check on. Feel free to steal my money, friend.” Gary Michelson really sets himself up for this.

Over time it seems Dr. James Hamada increases Gary’s monthly allocation of expenses. It started at $11,000/mo and rose. Hamada then gets someone new to take care of the books. This new person notices some things that aren’t right. Gary Michelson isn’t being credited for all his income. She talks to Hamada but he does nothing in 1982. She then talks to Gary in 1983 who thinks she must be wrong. “Dr. Hamada a complete stranger whom I now think is my good friend would never rip me off.” Gary talks to Hamada. Hamada fires the new accountant telling Gary that she is too stupid to understand the books. Gary believes that but takes the books home anyway thinking someone else in the office must be ripping off Hamada and Gary. Hamada flips out and demands them back. Gary then demands an accounting.

Finally Gary gets his own accountant to check the books. Gary has been ripped off for the 1,245th time and he’s only been in business one year. Even though he knows he’s been ripped off he continues to work with Hamada until 1986. He then sues Hamada. Gary wins, Hamada appeals, Gary basically still wins.

I went back and looked at Gerald Michelson aka Gerald Michaelson’s 1965 high school year book. He seems to be the only person who was not involved in any clubs, sports or events. It just shows his home address as 1805 E. Hazzard St, Philadelphia. It also states he intends to go into “Law.” He definitely got into law, just not as a lawyer. Perhaps this is why he’s so litigious. He really needs to work on preventative legal tactics. This trusting people, letting people take him THEN suing them viciously is ridiculous.

I just pulled up 1805 E. Hazzard. William, Irving and Reba Michaelson used to live there. Irving could be Gary’s older brother and William is his nephew? It’s a 3+1 townhome 1,250 ft on 900 ft lot, worth about $12K built in 1925 14′ wide lot x 68′ long, two story home. It’s a really dumpy neighborhood. Across the street is all boarded up. It’s almost directly under the train tracks. I can see why he’d be so money driven growing up in this place. Reminds me of Western Avenue. It used to be a nice middle class area and now it’s a slum.

Dr. Gary Michelson patents nipples, sues women and God

Below is a search for Inventor Gary K. Michelson. You can also search for “MichaElson.” He spells his name both ways.

I looked at a few of these inventions. He “invented” a bone chisel. It’s a chisel. Just a chisel. It looks like a regular chisel. I don’t get it. I’ve had to invent tools to feed super tiny baby mammals and I wouldn’t bother patenting anything. I’ve even hand made, rolled micro nipples and again, no patent. Not only that but I give my ideas away for free to help animals. My manuals are also free…because I actually want to help animals and people.

Could you imagine if I were to have patented my micro feeding instruments? I could be like Dr. Gary Michelson. I would then sue the shit out of everyone who feeds baby animals. I will tell them they must pay a million dollar license and legal fees if they use “MY” design. They would all go bankrupt and be forced to let all the baby animals die. Dr. Gary Michelson would do that. He’s that bitter and mean spirited. He would even patent the process, i.e. “you put food in the baby’s mouth.” Then if anyone put food in a baby’s mouth, he could sue them. He’d be walking up to babies on the street and smacking them on the back of the head so they would spit their food out. Then he’d yell “I invented feeding! Give me money or stop feeding that baby!” He might even try to patent the acts of swallowing, digesting, breathing, your heart beating, taking a crap…

In fact, I’m amazed that he doesn’t patent nipples. Then he could sue the makers of baby bottle nipples even though nipples are copied from God’s design. He could even sue women who breast feed. In fact, to hell with God! Gary Michelson would run to the patent office and file the paperwork to patent nipples before God could get down there. Gary would argue that God shared his design by allowing women to run around with nipples. Gary could then sue God for using his nipple design when he made women. Gary would force God to remove nipples from women because God couldn’t afford to reply to Gary’s lawsuit because by now Gary controls all the money and lawyers in the world so God would lose by default.  Women would have to buy their nipples back from Gary. God would be thrown in jail for grand theft of Gary’s nipple idea. Gary wins!

Gary Michelson trolls spine conventions so he can look at products on display and threaten to sue exhibitors, vendors. Now he could just go door to door to people’s homes. “Ma’am, are you breast feeding in there? I’m gonna sue you if you don’t pay me a license! I invented nipples! I invented the feeding process of putting food in a baby’s mouth! I invented the Internet! I invented everything! Die, die, die!”

This is ironic. Dr. Gary Michelson started another foundation called “20 million minds.” He wants to make pdf versions of school books and give them away for free. He says books are too expensive. Oh, you mean like spinal implants and back surgery? An author noted that Gary’s patent litigation has increased the cost of spine surgery by $6,000 per surgery. Doesn’t the writer, inventor “deserve” to make a shit load of money? Is Gary going to pay a license for the books or just steal the copyrighted materials? Maybe he’ll hire people in India to plagiarize the books like Amanda Lollar does and change one word in each paragraph so he could copyright it. Then he could go back and sue the person who actually wrote the original. I think I’m starting to understand how Gary’s mind works. Patents + lawyers + money + EGO = Gary K. Michelson.

UPDATE: I just searched “nipple” in patents. There are a slew of patented nipples. They are all just nipples! They are duplicates of the human design. Here’s but one below. It also includes a “method of feeding a liquid.” It’s identical to what I made and use. Will I be sued? This whole patent idea is pretty ridiculous.

“It is intended to provide an artificial nipple, whereby a liquid feed or a test solution can be voluntarily and orally given to animals with a need for feeding such as mouse infants, a feeding bottle appropriately usable in combination with the nipple, a device for feeding a liquid comprising them, and a method of feeding a liquid. The artificial nipple is characterized by having a replaceable duct therein and having a structure preventing a liquid from piling up in the nipple except in the nipple tip and the duct, while the feeding bottle is characterized by having a replaceable tube therein.”

Dr. Gary Michelson’s paper clip patent – worthless and expired

Supposedly Dr. Gary Michelson’s girlfriend asked him if he could invent something practical. He decided to invent a new paper clip. The original was first patented in 1888. Below is a link to his patent. One, it’s expired because he didn’t pay a maintenance fee. Two, it’s a crappy design which is inferior to the original. Why waste the effort? Most of the claims he made are bogus. It’s safer? Won’t hit  you in the eye? It won’t gouge the paper? It’s clear that it would gouge the paper even more than the original.

I have embedded the image from the patent office below. It’s clear from the design that it’s more likely to spring off the paper than the original. I can’t believe Gary’s ego is so needy that he had to go and “invent” an inferior paper clip just to show his girlfriend that he could. I wonder how many more of his inventions are also bogus. Maybe he just likes having a huge number of patents so he can feel like a genius inventor. Maybe he’s going for some sort of record. There actually is a list of most prolific inventors. Gary Michelson is not on it.

I wonder how many more of his inventions are bogus or expired.

Dr. Gary Michelson with help from DA Jackie Lacey abuses the judicial system

This next post will reveal just how incredibly petty, vindictive and mean Dr. Gary Michelson can be. I am shocked that he has so far been allowed to get away with this. I can only hope Dr. Gary Michelson will eventually be charged with filing false police reports against people. He has done this is the past. He has caused some people incredible amounts of pain, suffering and grief. Whatever philanthropic deeds he may have done in his entire life will never make up for this cruel behavior. District Attorney Jacquelyn “Jackie” Lacey should also be reprimanded for aiding and abetting this behavior.

Based on the civil lawsuit Dr. Gary Michelson v Neil David Campbell, Philip Richard Powers, Dr. Gary Michelson believed that he was somehow defrauded by defendants even though no money was stolen or lost. He sued them in civil court.  They answered the lawsuits and denied all claims. He basically papered them until they could not afford to respond. They ended up losing by default and are bankrupt. That is not good enough for Dr. Gary Michelson. 
I have a feeling Dr. Gary Michelson probably tried to file criminal charges against them in the past but the LAPD, District Attorney probably said “this is a civil matter. Defendants also don’t live in Los Angeles or California. Supposed white collar crime did not take place here but in another country. We have no jurisdiction. There was no crime that we can see.” Then probably declined to file charges just like they did in the Dave Loftus case. There was no crime. 
Dr. Gary Michelson has learned over the years that if you want the police or district attorney to do a personal favor for you, you are going to have to give them money. Dave Loftus and I actually told him Gary this in 2006 when we worked for him. Dr. Gary Michelson donated money to the campaign of the new District Attorney Jacquelyn “Jackie” Lacey in the form of buying a ticket to a dinner party to meet her. He probably spoke to her about this case at that campaign fundraiser then handed her the check at the party April 25, 2012. He also donated $13,000 to the previous District Attorney Steven Cooley in 2010, 2011. The investigation was launched May 2012. Michelson then made another donation July 16, 2012. Jacquelyn “Jackie” Lacey was elected as the new District Attorney November 2012. 
The investigation was launched May 2012 but they didn’t file charges until March 2013 (Los Angeles Criminal Court case numbers LACBA409225-01, LACBA409225-02,  140 counts each of 487 (A) Grand theft is theft committed in any of the following cases: (a) When the money, labor, or real or personal property taken is of a value exceeding nine hundred fifty dollars ($950)). A sealed warrant was issued. Defendants never knew there were criminal charges against them or that a warrant was issued. They are arrested in Idaho and Texas. Philip Richard Powers was arrested May 21, 2013 (Search criminal case # 189712901010 here ). He was extradited to Los Angeles June 5, 2013. District Attorney Jacquelyn “Jackie” Lacey then releases news about the arrest and extradition of defendants to Los Angeles, California June 19, 2013. Bail is set at $10,000,000 each.
From here on out I will only follow defendant Philip Richard Powers. When you are arrested in criminal court this is the basic process. According to the eighth amendment “excessive bail shall not be required nor excessive fines imposed nor cruel and unusual punishment.” Defendant is also entitled to a speedy trail by a jury of his peers. 
Defendant is entitled to bail review within three days of arraignment. Philip Powers would have been arraigned soon after being extradited to Los Angeles June 5, 2013. I don’t have access to all criminal records so I will have to go by what I heard in court September 5, 2013 in Department 40 in downtown LA. 
Bail was set at $10,000,000 but of course this is excessive as Defendant is penniless. Defendant requested bail review to reduce the amount of bail. The District Attorney’s office objected to any reduction in bail. The Judge reduced the bail to $2,500,000. One can get a bond issued on real estate if the equity in the property is equal to twice the amount of bail. In this case that would be $5,000,000 worth of equity. 
Someone agreed to put up their beach front property at 3500 The Strand, Hermosa Beach, CA for the bond. This is the house that Beverly Hills 90210 was filmed. Here are photos. It was on the market for $10,000,000 May 2010. It has increased in value since then. It appraised at approximately $9,300,000 with by Kevin McDonald of C2C Appraisal Services with approximately $3,600,000 in existing liens for net equity of $6,300,000. The District Attorney’s office reviewed the appraisal and disagreed with the appraised value. The DA is not a licensed appraiser. They can only agree or disagree with the amount of equity, not the appraisal. Nonetheless the DA requests another appraisal from Defendant. Defendant gets another appraisal for approximately $8,800,000 from Brian La Shure of La Shure and Associates.  
All the while the DA’s office drags their feet not responding to calls, emails and requests. Almost three months pass and Defendant is still in jail awaiting final bail review. I believe this should have been completed within three days of arraignment though I’m no criminal attorney. The DA then orders their own appraisal even though two have already been done and the values are very similar. The Defendant only needs a value of $8,600,000 in order to have bail approved. The property in question would actually most likely sell for $10-$12M on the open market because it is so desirable. 
Let me quickly preface the valuation analysis with my qualifications. I have been an appraiser for 30 years now. I recalculated how many appraisals I have done and it’s actually over 20,000. I have been an expert witness in Los Angeles County Civil and Criminal court besides others. I’ve done appraisals for eminent domain for the Metro and LAUSD. I appraised the Ambassador Hotel for the LAUSD eminent domain case with Donald Trump. I’ve appraised many beach front properties and high end properties. I am qualified to make these comments about the valuation issues.
The DA’s appraisal is complete. It comes in at less than the existing liens at $3.5M! Appraisers on average properties may vary by 5%. That is acceptable. This appraisal varies by 60-62%! At this point this is massive fraud perpetrated by the DA’s appraiser. Their appraiser should have their license revoked. The DA’s appraiser did not use comparables which were located on the beach but blocks away with no views. She also did not adjust for the difference in location! This is a violation of Federal USPAP guidelines (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice). If anyone should be in jail, it’s the DA’s appraiser. I believe her name is Linda Frieden of Riviera Appraisals. I called and left a message asking her to confirm or deny but she hasn’t returned my call as of the writing of this post. UPDATE 09/09/2013: She called back and left this voice mail confirming she did indeed do one of the appraisals. I knew I heard the Judge correctly There’s no way she did not know she was committing real estate fraud and fraud upon the court. She came in at a third of what the property was worth comparing a unique beach front property to triplexes far away from the beach.
The subject is three units but best use is as one unit. The DA’s appraiser only used triplexes as comparable blocks away from the beach. This is based on court room testimony. I did not review the appraisals. The subject is located on approximately two lots smack on the beach. It is unique in that it has west and north facing views which are unobstructed. The DA’s appraiser does not take any of this into consideration and makes no adjustments! This is like comparing a VW bug to a Rolls Royce. 
Without boring people to tears appraisal theory is based on matched pairs. We hope to find a property exactly like our subject which sold today on the open market. That of course is impossible. We hope then to find the most similar and recent comparables. Then we make adjustments for the differences. If the subject has a pool but the sold comparable does not, we subtract an adjustment from sales price for the comparable for the value of the pool. In this case the DA’s appraiser did not use the most comparable properties. She also did not make adjustments for the differences. The insanity of this fraudulent appraisal does not stop here. 
Defendant’s attorney Public Defender John Powers brings his two appraisers to court to tell the judge how they arrived at the values and what they think the property is worth. The DA does not bring his appraiser. In fact she refuses to go to court. Instead the DA brings someone who oversees the bond approval process Brian Chu. Brian Chu is Principal Deputy Counsel for Los Angeles County. His LinkedIn account states he is an expert at bond law. Chu’s job is to verify that the package is complete and there is enough equity to cover the bond. Chu is not an appraiser. He cannot give an opinion of value legally. He already received two appraisals which showed enough equity to cover the bond. I don’t believe he even had the right to request his own appraisal but I’m not positive about that. Defendant’s two appraisals were done by appraisers with 20-25 years of experience. They have been expert witnesses in real estate and even teach appraisal theory. 
Chu gets on the stand and states he thinks the value by his appraiser is the better value. He states the comparables used and adjustments made in Defendant’s two appraisals are incorrect. Again, he’s not an appraiser. It’s not his job to appraise or to review an appraisal. Chu is commenting about zoning, units, amount of adjustments, highest and best use, income approach, gross rent multiplier…all things which he is not qualified to determine. He also states this is the first time he has made such a presentation in court. He’s not an expert witness.
Judge Renee Korn in Department 40 presided over this case. She was clear, kind, polite and fair  giving both sides time to argue their case. John Powers and his two experts did a wonderful job. I’ve never seen a public defender care as much about justice as Powers. I’ve also not seen one argue as well in court. The DA of course did not have a leg to stand on legally. Deputy District Attorney Robert Knowles kind of rambled and mumbled. You could tell he knew he had no case. He almost seemed embarrassed to be presenting his side to the court. 
The following is the court ruling paraphrased to the best of my ability. You can get exact quotes from the transcript. 
“One cannot compare beach front property with non-beach front properties. In this situation there is no difference in value between the value of the property as a single unit or three units as the property can be used either way. The appraised value is minimum $8.65 to $9.3M. Appraising is not an exact science. This property is unique in that it has north and west facing beach access. There is additional value for this reason which was not included in the appraisals. Subject’s value would exceed the value of comparables. 
The court believes that there is not enough evidence that there is insufficient equity in the property. Court rules that the bond should be approved and defendant released on bail.”
The bond was already recorded July 15, 2013. Defendant was ordered released. He was released three hours after the hearing. 
Back to the beginning of the story. Dr. Gary Michelson feels somehow betrayed by a friend and his friend’s business associate. He sues them both in civil court. They deny all charges but can’t afford to respond. They lose by default and are bankrupt. That is not good enough for Dr. Gary Michelson. He wants them in jail to satisfy his need for vengeance for a crime which appears to have only happened in his own mind. 
He files a false criminal complaint against Defendants. DA, LAPD most likely don’t want to prosecute as there was no crime, defendants don’t live in California and supposed crime would have been committed outside the United States so they have no jurisdiction. Dr. Gary Michelson then donates the maximum allowed by law to the DA. All of a sudden the DA agrees to go after them. 
The DA files a sealed warrant and has these people arrested in Idaho and Texas. They’re extradited to Los Angeles, California for no known legal reason. Bail is set excessively high at $10,000,000 each so neither can afford bail. Public Defender John Powers gets Philip Powers’ bail reduced to $2,500,000 even though DA objects. Powers then gets a bond for $2,500,000 but DA now objects to the appraised value of the property secured by the bond. The Judge finally rules that Defendant’s appraisals are correct. There is enough equity for the bond and bail. The bond is approved. Defendant is released after spending over three months in jail which is a violation of the eighth amendment. 
What will Dr. Gary Michelson and the DA do next? Will they continue to violate these people’s rights? Will the DA prosecute these people for crimes which were not committed? Will Dr. Gary Michelson ever be able to satisfy his extreme need for vengeance? I’ll try to follow what happens and post it here. If I ever go missing or am found in a shallow grave in the desert, you’ll know what happened. 

An interesting turn of events, i.e. Gary Michelson v friends

I pulled up more legal filings from the California case Gary Michelson v Neil Campbell, Philip Powers. Gary Michelson did not lose any money in the deals. He made money. He had teams of real estate appraisers and lawyers investigate the properties before he bought them. He bought them eyes wide open with full knowledge. Then why is he suing for fraud and theft? Beats me.

I will need to go back and clarify some posts I made based on what I read from the legal filings in the California case.

Bitter Gary Michelson believes the world is cheating him, vows vengeance

It’s common knowledge from talking to Gary, reading interviews, lawsuit declarations that he is a very bitter and angry man. He feels he didn’t get the attention he deserved as a kid from his parents. I don’t doubt that being the youngest of four boys growing up without affluence and without a father at times. He feels cheated by his friends, business partners, girlfriends and his own lawyers. I don’t doubt that he was cheated at times though most of it was his own fault for trusting the wrong people, not doing proper due diligence and lack of oversight. Gary Michelson has actually said many times “They were profoundly cheating me,” when speaking of Medtronic. He even felt that a cake baker was cheating him out of $29.

From the Forbes’ article,

“Michelson did not recover from waging the legal battle, he says, until he stopped hating his enemies at Medtronic. “Vengeance is gnawing on a leg and looking down and realizing it’s your own,” he says, quoting another spiritual guidebook. Michelson says he was unable to sleep well for four years, had to give up his medical practice, got divorced (he had married in 2000) and developed high blood pressure.”

You would think after the Medtronic experience he would have learned something but he hasn’t. Here he is again trying to get vengeance on his ex-friends, business partners.  He is actually mad at himself for being taken, if he was, yet he’s taking it out on dead horses. He already destroyed these people in civil court. They are penniless and will probably never be able to do business with anyone ever again. They may have to go back to selling cars for a living after changing their names. Why does he want to see these people in jail for white collar crime that was partially caused by his own lack of due diligence and oversight? Again, they are innocent until proven guilty. They denied everything in civil court and have pled not guilty in the criminal case as well.

Gary Michelson will continue to waste money, lose sleep, have high blood pressure and give himself negative press while he gets his pound of flesh out of these two dead horses. He is again gnawing at his own leg but doesn’t realize it. I have a feeling he still has a bunch of brown nosers telling him “you are right, Gary, they ripped you off and should go to jail. Can I have a $30,000 grant?” This is how wealthy people and celebrities get so crazy. They surround themselves with brown nosers who are enablers. “Your nose looks great, Michael Jackson. Buying the elephant man’s bones is a sound investment. Using propofol to get some shut-eye sounds good to me. Would you like some valium, xanas?” This is exactly how Elvis, Michael Jackson and Howard Hughes became so strange, miserable and ended up dead.

I contacted a few of Gary’s friends who actually cared about him to ask them what I should do about him continuing to defame me. Turns out those people are no longer friends with Gary. They either thought he was mean and strange or he called it off because a brown noser said shit about them. One just said “it’s been a long, long time.” Gary pushes away the only real friends he has.

Gary Michelson and the Medtronic settlement revisited

Dr. Gary Michaelson, Karlin Technology, article about the Medtronic settlement from the New York Times.

“Dr. Rick Sasso, a spinal surgeon from Indianapolis, said he did not think that Dr. Michelson’s ideas were all totally original, but that he was very adept at getting patents. “He didn’t make any of those things,” Dr. Sasso said. “He didn’t manufacture. He got some ideas and wrote them on a piece of paper and filed them with the patent office.”

My comment: What’s interesting is the threaded spinal cage wasn’t his idea at all. He took it from someone else and was just the first to patent it. That’s worse than a patent troll.

“Medtronic, which had previously called the jury award excessive and unjustified, on Friday portrayed its settlement as a strategic acquisition. Michael DeMane, president of Medtronic’s spinal subsidiary, Sofamor Danek, said on a conference call with analysts that the patent portfolio would “enhance our leadership position.”

“Mr. Viscogliosi said Medtronic’s decision to buy the patents was a brilliant move because it gave the company more leverage over competitors. The deal requires an antitrust clearance from the federal government. “

My comment: Medtronic owes his some royalties then agrees to buy the rest of his patents when they realize they could control the spine industry. They spin negative news into good news and get a $10 bump on the share price. Shareholders are happy.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates,,, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride

My report on "The Economics of Animal Control" for Gary Michelson

I could post the report because I signed no confidentiality agreement or gag order. I won’t because there was a mistake in the report. Gary Michelson asked me first to write a report of the effectiveness of spay neuter on pet overpopulation. I did that and gave it to him. Then he said he told me to write a report on all approaches to solving pet overpopulation using scientific research to support my findings. I quickly rewrote my report. FTR I took notes at the meeting. He originally only asked for spay neuter data.

Before I finished the report I said there was no independent scientific research on the effectiveness of TNR. All reports were merely anecdotal reports by the biased colony guardians with no verified statistics. There was no control group or research control of any type. I also said that their statistical assumptions are not valid and cannot be used. For instance they state two cats can make 200,000 more cats in seven years. This is not true. They assume all female cats have two litters of 6-8 kittens per year and every kitten and adult cat survives for seven years. That’s impossible. They don’t include a proper kitten and adult cat mortality rate, not all cats have 6-8 kittens…or many other factors.

TNR is trap neuter and return. The theory is if you trap, neuter then return feral cats to an outdoor feral cat colony, their population will go to zero within one generation or seven years. This of course only works in a vacuum. It does not work in the real world. The problem is you can’t trap all animals. People will continue to dump animals. Most people don’t even try to trap and neuter because they can only afford to feed. New cats move to the colony on their own for food. Generally the colony grows even though cats die from illness and injury. Plus, these cats do not lead a happy life as they don’t get proper vet care, vaccinations… They generally do not lead a humane existence.

The wiki page has some independent research done by true researchers which support this. This research was not readily available when I wrote my report.

Even though I told Gary about this he is still supporting TNR. Don’t get me wrong. I love cats and have cats, indoor cats. I believe cats should be indoors for their safety and the safety of native wildlife. I would prefer if cats were in enclosed sanctuaries. I realize this is not possible at this time. I’m not calling for people to kill outdoor cats or to ignore outdoor feral cats. Cat overpopulation is the biggest problem in pet overpopulation. This is why we really need a permanent chemical sterilization method. We can’t surgically alter our way out of this situation because cats reproduce so quickly and plentifully.

2008 Forbes article about Dr. Gary Michelson, revealing

This article is as accurate as any independent journalist has gotten to the true Dr Gary Michelson. It talks about Gary’s bitterness about his life, growing up poor, being on his own, trying to find himself by reading “Self-Parenting” and “A Course in Miracles,” his extreme hate of his “enemies,” vengeance gnawing on his own leg, high blood pressure from stress, being dumped by his fiancé, fear of having kids at his advanced age, living in a mostly unfurnished home in LA… This is where Gary Michelson states that he chooses to give to a cause that “makes me feel the best.” It’s not about the most worth cause but his own personal feelings.