Gary Michelson – the arrest of Neil Campbell, waste of public resources

Gary Michelson obviously has a lot of pull with the District Attorney Jackie Lacey and ex-DA Steve Cooley. This really looks like corruption to me. Why would the Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey waste all these resources to arrest and extradite a man in Idaho for a supposed business deal which happened in Costa Rica? Not only that but Neil Campbell and Philip Powers did not defraud or steal money from Gary Michelson. They actually made him a lot of money.

Below is a link to where the article was located. The newspaper has since deleted the article but I saved a copy. They also ran his mugshot in the article. I see why Gary Michelson was attracted to Neil Campbell. This is text from the article.

“Crawford said Sun Valley police were notified by Los Angeles County authorities in May that Campbell might be in the area. Once he was located, three investigators from the Los Angeles County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and six U.S. marshals were assisted by Sun Valley police in making the arrest.”

Three investigators from LA County and six US marshals assisted the local police in arresting Neil Campbell? Neil is I believe about my size 5’8″. He is 65 years old. He was not hiding in Idaho. Everyone knew he was living there. He got a speeding ticket there and filed for divorce in Idaho as well. He had a public p.o. box address. That’s a huge waste of tax payer money. Something really doesn’t smell right about this case.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates,,, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Edward Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, campaign, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride, Karlin Holdings Limited Partnership, C & M Investment Group Limited, michelson technology at work, Karlin Opportunity Fund, Karlin OP, Medical Research Foundation Trust

Gary Michelson is a horrible investor making only 1.4% max on his money since 2005

Dr Gary Michelson, fund, bad investor, Karlin Asset

He would have done just as well putting his money in a checking account. He was worth $50-100M supposedly in 2004. He states he had already made $50M before the $1.35 lawsuit win. I will use $100M as the base figure even though I’m sure it’s less than $50M knowing Gary. Gary Michelson rarely tells the truth. I will give Gary Michelson every benefit of the doubt here.

In 2005 Forbes/Gary Michelson said he was worth $1.36B. Today in 2013 Forbes/Gary Michelson says he’s worth $1.5B. He’s made $140,000,000 since 2005. He already owned his $5M home in Brentwood in 2003. He states he hasn’t bought a car, clothes….since his win. He has just been investing his money. We know he only spent $5M max on his foundations.

If I use the standard compound interest rate formula for monthly, he started with $1.36B and now has $1.5B. That means he made $140,000,000 in seven years. If we compound that (he reinvests his interest every month making interest on interest), he makes 1.4% max return on his investments. That’s a shitty rate of return. Why in the world is he bragging that he is a wise investor with Karlin Asset Management and all his funds? I’m using this basic formula  M=P(1+i)n   Where M = final amount, P=principle amount, i=interest rate and n=number of years.

When I took at look at Gary Michelson’s funds I noticed he just had a bunch of young guys with degrees running things. He doesn’t have any experienced finance people. Gary Michelson likes to go with younger inexperienced people. On some of his boards he even has a politician. Mind you he is paying all these people a hefty salary. He is paying all these people hefty salaries to run his funds and they’re making him less money than a checking account.

Just to give you a reference point here Warren Buffett makes 18% return on his investment. Even the S&P makes 11% return. When Buffett ran Berkshire Hathaway he made 21% annual return. Even from 2007 to 2011 during the recession Buffett had a return of 42% while S&P lost 1%. Gary Michelson should have invested his money with Buffett instead of these young kids.

I don’t know if Gary Michelson realizes this. He thinks people with degrees in business and finance will make him money. He obviously has not read the research which shows that people with graduate degrees in finance actually make less money than people without graduate degrees in finance. Heck, look at Steve Jobs, Bill Gates who dropped out of undergrad. In fact there is research which shows the higher the education, the less money someone makes out of college. We are talking about people who have at least graduated from high school and have had some under grad.

What’s really ironic here is the people he is suing for supposed fraud which never happened actually made more money for Gary Michelson than anyone else. I’m starting to wonder if David Cohen who runs things for Gary Michelson maybe told Gary that the teak farms are the reason he’s only made 1.5% ROI when it’s actually David Cohen’s really shitty investments instead. Is someone churning investments, stocks, bonds for a commission, kick back, bonus? How else could Gary Michelson only be making 1.4%?

In 2005 he stated he would give away all $1.35B from the lawsuit win. It’s been seven years and he’s given max $5M or .003%. Gary Michelson is just a lot of hot air and false promises. He likes to brag that he’s a brilliant inventor when he actually stole his major patent. He just filed the paperwork a couple of months before the real inventors. Instead of making the actual item he let others make it then he sued the shit out of them. He didn’t make a threaded spinal cage until I think seven years after he filed the patent. He didn’t use one until after that.

Gary Michelson likes to brag that he’s a savvy investor. He likes to brag that he’s using his money to solve problems. He’s a shitty investor and he’s not using his money to solve problems. I wish I realized that Gary Michelson was a fraud back in 2005. I never would have had anything to do with him. I pity anyone who works with him. Gary Michelson is like the monkey’s paw. It’s better to stay away from any grant or job offer from Gary Michelson. Gary Michelson doesn’t keep his promises, offers money then doesn’t deliver, offers jobs to “help animals” and just ends up stabbing people in the back for no reason.

You could make him $100M like he made in the teak farms and he’ll still want to, try to kill you. In fact, I just realized that most of the money Gary Michelson has made in the last seven years came from his teak farms. And these are the people he sued for supposed fraud. That means that David Cohen is most likely ripping him off. If we back out the $100M from the farms, Gary made .4% return on his non-teak farm investments. That’s less than a checking account. Gary obviously cannot tell the difference between friend or foe. He needs to go back to staying at home and tinkering in his garage.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates,,, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride

Dr. Gary Michelson has not kept any of his promises to animals or people

I decided to take a trip down memory lane and dig up the original promises Dr. Gary Michelson made to animals, people and the City of Los Angeles. I wonder if Gary Michelson even remembers the promises he made.

In 2005 soon after winning the $1.35B settlement with Medtronic Dr. Gary Michelson told LA Weekly write Robert Greene that he would give all the money away, i.e. “There was nothing to do with that much money, the surgeon-inventor said, but give it away. Usefully. He set up the Medical Research Foundation Trust (and Found Animals Foundation). “

Gary Michelson said he would instantly give $10,000,000 to sterilize and microchip every animal in Los Angeles, i.e. “The surgeon’s role would be through a foundation that is prepared to raise and donate $10 million to get dogs and cats sterilized and microchipped.” He didn’t do that.

Gary Michelson said he would make Los Angeles a “nokill” City, i.e. “If that (kill vs nokill) is about to change, as animal advocates hope, it will be not only because of Boks and Villaraigosa, but because of a third man who is donating his genius(?) and opening(?) his rather substantial pocketbook in an effort to make spaying, neutering, microchipping and (for dogs) licensing practically universal in Los Angeles.That man — spinal surgeon and billionaire inventor Gary Karlin Michelson — said he has thought through L.A.’s animal problem and has established a foundation that is prepared to pay to have every pet in the city fixed and tracked. A series of serendipitous events that began just months ago put Michelson in touch with Boks and then Villaraigosa, helped lead to Boks’ hiring here and made Michelson a key player in the latest effort to overhaul the way the city handles wanted and unwanted pets.“What we’re going to do is going to be just amazing,” Michelson told the Weekly. “We are going to succeed. We are going to succeed spectacularly.”” He most certainly did not succeed. He failed. Euthanasia went up and not down under Ed Boks. Ed Boks was fired in disgrace. Antonio Villaraigosa was termed out as a failure to keep his promises. Gary Michelson just failed.

Gary Michelson said he would offer a $75M Michelson Prize and grants for a one shot permanent sterilization for cats, dogs. He didn’t do that. How much of the $1.35B has Dr. Gary Michelson given to help animals and people since 2005? $3-5M or .003% Below is a link to the full article. Dr. Gary Michelson made a bunch of promises and didn’t keep any of them.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates,,, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride

Gary Michelson, Gerald Michaelson video talking about himself, billionaire, Forbes

This is for people who have never met Dr. Gary Michelson. This is what he sounds like. His voice is probably one reason why there have been so many gay rumors. When he would talk to me he would speak slowly like he was teaching five year olds. In this video he is very happy for the attention and the award he is about to receive. He is clearly giddy with excitement.

Notice he says his granny’s hand was on fire. That is impossible unless you held her hand in the flame for a long time or had oil, gasoline on your hand. Notice they show the threaded spinal cage, the invention that he basically stole from others. That is the invention that made him all the money. I have embedded the video. I did not load it up here.

He always like to bring up his “big hands.” You can see where he wants you to go with that as he smiles. As a woman I can tell you the only correlation with big hands is big gloves. Same with big feet, i.e. big shoes. Anyone who wants you to think in that direction probably is the exact opposite.

Gary Michelson – 2011 National Inventors Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony from Scott vollmer on Vimeo.

In the video he talks about how he would actually make these items himself. That’s not really true. He never made the threaded spinal cage which made him all the money. He didn’t make one until years after he got the patent. He didn’t use one in surgery until much later. He then sued people who had items similar to his written patent which they made before he ever made one. The horse vet made and used the spinal cage which the vet actually invented. He just didn’t think to patent it. Gary Michelson didn’t invent it. He was just the first to patent it. He beat the actual inventors to the patent office by a few months because Gary Michelson was more familiar with the patent process than they were.

You see the brick building where he supposedly lived in the photo. It looks a little like the 1805 Hazzard address from his high school yearbook. He doesn’t look miserable in his little kid photos. He isn’t ugly. He’s a cute little kid. Perhaps he was only miserable during his teenage and young adult years. That’s a tough time for everyone.

Below are stills from the video. I am using these to comment. Therefore they are covered under the fair use of copyright act.

Gary Michelson as a kid, child, growing up, baby, billionaire, inventor

Gary Michelson’s grandmother, tennis player, burned, on fire, billionaire. Gold earrings, pearls, couldn’t have been that poor.

Gary Michelson billionaire in Philadelphia as a kid, inventor, patent

Below is a video someone who obviously doesn’t know Gary made. Gary Michelson likes this video. One, he doesn’t look like the photo they used. Two, he does not sound like the voice they used. This video makes it appear that he’s a billionaire genius inventor who has had a lot of sexy looking girlfriends. That is not the case as I’ve shown through my posts. He also seems to only get along with women who look like tomboys, i.e. Alya Michelson, Aimee Gilbreath. I believe he doesn’t feel threatened by them. Healthy men with who really like women generally are attracted to sexier women.
Same goes with women, i.e. healthy women who like men like manly looking men.

OrthoSongs Presents “Gary Michelson” (the song) from robstan visuals on Vimeo.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates,,, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride

Gary Michelson paid Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to hire Ed Boks, Edward Boks – really bad choice

Ed Boks, Edward Boks, Ed, Edward, Boks. Below are but a few articles written about Ed Boks, Edward Boks’ failures in Los Angeles, Arizona and New York. All of these articles are backed up by facts and data. 
Dr. Gary Michelson read Ed Boks’ June 2005 article in Newsweek called “The Dirty Little Secret In Your Community.” I have a feeling Matthew Scully ghost wrote this article for Ed Boks. When Ed Boks was having problems here in LA he told me he just needed some positive press. He asked me for $2,500 so he could pay Matthew Scully to ghost write an article for him. I told him no. 
Gary Michelson being naive Gary Michelson believed every word Scully, I mean Ed Boks wrote in the article. Boks claimed to be able to make shelters no kill. He claimed he made AZ and NY nokill when he did no such thing. He left both shelters worse than when he found them.  
Gary Michelson being naive and egotistical Gary Michelson said to himself “I’ll use my money to make Los Angeles hire Ed Boks. He will then make LA nokill and I can take the credit for it. Then maybe someone will finally like me.” 
Gary Michelson used his money to get Antonio Villaraigosa to hire Ed Boks. Ed Boks really messed up the shelters. It got so bad that a police officer who walked into south los angeles shelter filed a report for animal cruelty against Ed Boks. The animals were totally overcrowded. Animals were dying of disease and cage fights. They were being warehoused just to help Ed Boks pre-summer numbers. 
Here is just one example of the crap Ed Boks pulled in LA. He would warehouse animals from January to June. He would tell employees not to kill any animal no matter what. Let orphaned kittens die of starvation. Let sick animals die of disease. Put a few pitbulls in each kennel and let them kill each other. A dog comes in with fatal injuries from being run over by a car. Let it die on its own. Those dead animals will be recorded as “died” and not “euthanized.” This makes it appear that euthanasia is down due to Ed Boks brilliant nokill plans. The number of animals “dying on their own” went from 700 to over 3,000 during one year. 
Ed Boks would then release news stating “euthanasia was down over 25% from January to June!” Everyone was very happy with the news except the people who went to the shelters and saw what was happening. The second half of the year he had to start killing the animals. Even with kennels crammed at triple maximum capacity, there still was not enough room. Euthanasia went sky high. He was killing way more animals than ever before. He just wouldn’t release any news about his statistics from July to December. Then he’d start the same thing all over again. That is just one tactic he used to make it appear that he was successful. 
Dr. Gary Michelson chose Ed Boks. He is the reason LA’s animals were forced to suffer at the hands of Ed Boks. Gary Michelson is responsible for this. This also shows that Gary Michelson does not research anything. He just believes whatever he reads in Newsweek. Obviously, a complete and utter idiot.
March 2007
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa promised to make LA a NoKill City. He hired Ed Boks as the new General Manager. In his first year Boks has failed to reduce the euthanasia rate. Fewer animals made it out alive, fewer were adopted. What went wrong? And what is the Mayor going to do about it?
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is not keeping his campaign promise to our animal loving City 
When Antonio Villaraigosa was running for Mayor of Los Angeles in 2005 he promised the citizens of Los Angeles that if elected, he’d “hold the new General Manager (of LA Animal Services) accountable for creating a legitimate plan to reduce euthanasia.” He said he would “demand better performance and real accountability from the Department.” Well, the truth is in the statistics and the statistics show that his new General Manager Ed Boks failed. In 2006 751 fewer animals made it out of the shelter alive than in 2005. The euthanasia rate did not go down from the previous year. This is the first time since they had public records available that there was no improvement. What went wrong? And what is the Mayor going to do about it? 
In January of 2005 then Councilman Antonio Villaraigosa told a packed room of animal activists, rescuers and welfarists that if he became the Mayor, he would hire a new General Manager with experience, compassion and the knowledge to make LA a NoKill City. NoKill basically means that no adoptable animal will be euthanized for lack of space. Only animals that are dying or dangerously vicious would be euthanized. At the time LA City shelters were euthanizing 41% of all animals that came into the shelter, over 22,000 animals a year. 
A few months after Antonio became the Mayor of LA he fired then General Manager, Guerdon Stuckey and immediately appointed Ed Boks as the new GM. Ed Boks has over 20 years of animal shelter experience whereas his predecessor had none. Boks believes in NoKill sheltering and was even a NoKill consultant. We’ve been told that Boks reduced the euthanasia rate and increased animal adoptions in Phoenix, Arizona and New York City. More importantly, animal people seemed to like him whereas they hated his predecessor. He seemed like the man for the job and by coincidence, he was in need of a job as his animal control contract would not be renewed in New York. Should this have been a red flag? 
Boks started his new job officially January 3, 2006. He immediately “introduced” a host of new programs with catchy names like Big Fix, S.T.A.R. and FELIX. He opened his arms wide to the rescue groups and activists. He said yes to every request and offer. He wrote Op-Ed pieces for the local newspapers. In front of City Council he swore LA would be NoKill by 2010 if not 2008. He even started a blog, and the activists rejoiced. Well, maybe not all of the activists. The Animal Defense League of Los Angeles (ADLLA) was still on the fence about Mr. Boks. 
Month after month he was churning out positive reports about the new programs and progress. His six month report came out and things looked good. The euthanasia rate was dropping and dog adoptions were up. He made some rosy projections of continued success by the end of the year. Meanwhile, ADLLA started to send out negative emails about Boks’ past in New York, accusing him of “fudging the numbers,” spinning the news, sleeping with female rescuers, boozing it up and other general misdeeds. They started to demand that he be fired even though his numbers looked okay at the time. 
Then all of a sudden there were no more monthly reports after August. The reports just stopped. Activists thought nothing of it as the positive news and press releases just kept flowing from the Department in abundance. In early January the annual statistics report was finally released, and a bomb was dropped on the animal community. The annual euthanasia rate did not go down for the first time since they started keeping public records! Fewer animals made it out alive! How could the NoKill King fail? Even though the numbers showed a failure to improve Boks bragged in a press release that “the Kill-Rate hit an all time low in 2006!” and “we will take another giant leap towards No-Kill” in 2007. Was he looking at the same numbers? The rate wasn’t down and there was no “leap” of any type. What was happening? 
If you take a look at the reports and statistics, you can see why he failed. It turns out Boks was holding the animals longer than ever before. That is why the euthanasia rate looked good in the first half of the year. He held those animals over into the second half of the year. He was holding animals with little chance of adoption, like large pitbulls which are always in abundance. One can only assume that was done to improve the numbers, not the dogs’ chances at adoption. 
Of course the shelters then filled up to maximum capacity. He had to start euthanizing them so the numbers for the second half of the year were horrible. He missed all of his rosy projections by a long shot. This brought the euth rate back up to 41%, where it was in 2005. The euthanasia rate is the number of animals euthanized divided by the number of animals that enter the shelter. This rate is the main number that shelters use to gauge their success, or failure. 
In comparison, the 2004 rate was 47%, 2003 was 53% and 2002 was 56%. All of Boks’ predecessors improved the euthanasia rate even though they had less money, fewer employees and smaller facilities. More animals were now dying, getting sick, being stolen and escaping than ever before. The only positive thing he did was increase dog adoptions by a fraction. Cats, rabbits and other animals did not fare as well. Boks was definitely not on his way to meet his NoKill goal, not by a long shot. 
Why didn’t all his catchy new “NoKill” programs work? Well, most of them were not new or else not implemented. He took LA’s existing programs, gave them catchy new names then rolled them out as his own creations. FELIX was his feral cat program from NY but LA already had one, it just didn’t have a name. He put all the current spayneuter programs under his Big Fix name and called that a new program. He started the S.T.A.R. program to help rehabilitate very ill or injured animals. Again, they were already doing this, they just didn’t call it a program or give it a name. While using all of his programs in NY he was only able to get their euthanasia rate to 43%. LA was already doing most of these programs and their rate was at 41% when he got here. 
He brought his “new” Foster, Senior 4 Senior, Bottle Baby and New Hope programs. There are only a handful of animals in the Foster program which actually already existed. The Senior 4 Senior program was written before he got here and it is still not even approved or implemented. The Bottle Baby program is an old program with few participants. The New Hope program was just the renamed old Adoption Partner program. What’s more, New Hope animals were free to rescuers in 2006. When it was called the Adoption Partner program and rescuers had to pay for the animals in 2005, they actually saved more animals. The drop in New Hope animals was significant. Other programs such as Plus One Minus One, No “e” below the knee and others just fell by the wayside. 
Most of his “programs” were actually not very life saving to begin with. They are more about positive press than saving lives. For instance, Boks says the Bottle Baby program will save the kittens and puppies who die in high number every year. In reality they feed the babies until they can eat on their own and legally be adopted at eight weeks of age. They can’t seem to get their current eight week old kittens and puppies adopted so how will adding to those numbers help? They will just have to euthanize them at eight weeks instead of seven weeks or less. Even the Senior 4 Senior program won’t save many lives. Low income elderly people are not a huge force in animal adoptions. His TLC program (Teaching Love & Compassion) is not implemented and it is geared to help children, not animals. But, all these “new” “NoKill programs” do look good in the news section. Maybe a fancy new website and positive press is all the Mayor really wanted all along. 
Most importantly, everyone knows that you cannot adopt your way out of pet overpopulation. Boks himself says this. You must stem the flow of animals coming into the system. Spayneuter is the only proven way to reduce pet overpopulation. What did he do for spayneuter in 2006? Not much. He lost one Spaymobile. The opening of the shelter spayneuter clinics is at least a year or more away. He did not increase spayneuter this year by much and baby season is almost upon us. We can expect another bumper crop of babies soon, babies who will have to be euthanized or “murdered” as the activists like to say. 
So what was Boks doing during 2006 if not saving animals? ADLLA sent out countless emails stating he was dating quite a few female members of the local rescue community. That does seem to ring true with reliable sources. His online profile says he’s a “social drinker,” “spiritual but not religious,” a “successful administrator making a real difference in my field,” he only wants to date white women with degrees who make over $75,000 a year who are between 5’4″ and 5’8″ and not fat, he’s into “cuddling” and his politics are “non-comformist.” There are quite a few photos of him online hugging female Department rescue-partners with one hand with a drink in the other at parties. He spends time on the Board of Directors of some of the groups run by these women. He was never one to miss a party or event, an opportunity to rub elbows with politicians, celebrities and more cute animal rescuers who looked up to him as the “animal savior.” Basically, he had a good time in LA on the tax payer’s dime. 
On top of it all, it seems he was involved in a few scandals. He posted a sexy photo of a woman in a string bikini on the Department website to advertise a bikini contest at Hooters. Local women’s groups called him sexist. The Mayor and Laura Chick made him end the Department’s involvement in the event. He spoke out against a Jewish religious ritual and was called anti-Semitic by local Jewish groups. He was sued by an African American ex-employee for discrimination. Seems Boks fired the African American employee who had years of experience and then hired his white friend who had no experience but did have a criminal conviction on his record. Pissing off women, Jews, African Americans, what next? 
Within the last week there have been new accusations about possible Hayden Act violations. As per the Hayden Act the shelter must hold an animal four days before euthanizing unless the animal is dying or unweaned. Blog “LA Animal Watch” run by a past supporter of Boks has posted charts supplied by Shelter Watch that show over 1,000 violations within the first ten months of 2006 alone. At the time of this posting Boks is stating that it was just poor record keeping, which is still a violation of the Hayden Act besides evidence of poor administrative skills. The final Department response should be out soon. LA Animal Watch used to be a keen supporter until the failure in the annual statistics and the Hayden Act violations came to light. Boks seems to have lost support even from his staunchest defenders. 
There was an accusation that he was in fact behind an infamous blog fan site called “LA Animal Friends.” That blog would post positive inside information about him and the Department and basically refute anyone who ever said anything negative about Boks. It seems Boks ordered a volunteer to start and write the blog. He provided the content of the blog and even wrote parts of it. Ghost writing your own fan site? When the volunteer his “number one fan” finally saw the horrible year end statistics, she immediately shut it down. A few other pro-Boks blogs seem to have turned against him and now there are rumors of sexual harassment lawsuits against Boks by some of the female rescuers. Even Gary Michelson the billionaire inventor-surgeon who originally introduced Boks to the Mayor seems to have lost confidence. Earlier he’d pledged to donate large sums of money to the Department but seems to have changed his mind because of Boks failure. A new support group was formed to raise funds named SALA but they too seem to have lost confidence. It was not a very good year for Boks, and especially not a good year for the animals. 
So what has the Mayor done about this mess? He promised to make LA NoKill. He said he would hire a NoKill specialist and hold him accountable. He would make him write a NoKill plan. Boks has never even made a plan and he’s been here over a year. Locals talk about another NoKill “guru” named Nathan Winograd but he does the same programs as Boks so what would be the point. He’s only a consultant and not a manager. He has no track record making a large City NoKill or even getting one below 41%. Causing more concern, he is very closely aligned with the extremists ADLLA who have been attacking the Department and employees for years. The extremists have been trying to force Winograd’s expensive consulting services down the Mayor’s throat with threats and angry protests so I doubt he’d be welcomed by the City. 
It’s been two months since the horrible 2006 numbers came out which clearly show that Boks has failed, which means the Mayor has failed. Will the Mayor keep his promise to the animal loving public? To the animals? Can he force Boks to do a better job and make LA NoKill? Or is it time for yet another new General Manager? He must do something and soon. This lack of oversight of Animal Services makes you wonder if maybe some of Antonnio’s other Departments are also failing. I’ve only looked at the numbers for Animal Services, what about DWP, LAPD, LAFD? Has Antonio failed LA as a Mayor as a whole? How can he ever expect to run for Governor with a track record like this. 
January 2008
The Los Angeles Department of Animal Services just released their annual report for 2007. At first glance it seems euthanasia went down. If one looks at the actual underlying numbers, things couldn’t be further from the truth. Thousands of animals were merely refused at the door and thousands more died from neglect.
The Los Angeles Department of Animal Services just released their annual report for 2007. At first glance it seems euthanasia went down. If one looks at the actual underlying numbers, things couldn’t be further from the truth. Thousands of animals were merely refused at the door and thousands more died from neglect. 
The annual report states that cat and dog euthanasia decreased by 22% or 4,429 fewer died than in 2006. That sounds wonderful but unfortunately it’s not true. There are many disingenuous ways to make euthanasia appear to go down, and “NoKill” Director Ed Boks uses all of them. 
The main way the euthanasia number appeared to go down was by refusing the animals most likely to be euthanized. That would be feral cats and nursing kittens. For each feral cat or nursing kitten you refuse, the euthanasia number goes down by that exact amount. 
In 2006 Ed Boks said he needed to “fine tune” the population during the “annual spring/summer crush of neonatal turn-ins.” He started an official animal refusal policy. The public ranted on Craig’s list about the Department refusing to take in feral cats and kittens. These animals ended up unsterilized on the streets to make even more kittens next year. 
If you look at the statistics you will see that kitten refusal started in March. By September they were refusing almost 50% of the kittens. They refused 2,400 kittens or 33% normal intake. Oddly enough other local shelters had kitten intake go up. What was Boks’ reply to the “odd” drop in kitten intake? It’s just an “anomaly” he said even though he announced his refusal policy in a press release. 
In Boks’ report cat euthanasia went down 3,328. 2,400 of the 3,328 drop in cat euthanasia is attributed to refusing kittens. The rest can be attributed to the increase in animals dying on their own. An extra 470 cats died on their own from lack of care in 2007. 
2,400 refused kittens plus 470 more died is 2,870. That would leave a 458 “decrease” in cat euthanasia. These animals were most likely the refused feral cats. He refused trapped cats saying they had no trapping permit and he refused to give them trapping permits. Cat euthanasia didn’t really go down in the real world. It would have actually gone up had he not refused animals and allowed more die. 
Cat and dog euthanasia combined went down 4,229. We have just explained the 3,328 decrease in cat euthanasia. Add to that an extra 188 dogs died in 2007. To what do we attribute the rest of the decrease? If you add up all the possible outcomes for cats and dogs, i.e. adopted by the public, New Hope (given to rescue groups), stolen, euthanized, DOA, died, returned to owner, you will notice that the numbers don’t add up. There are 1,500 more animals unaccounted for in 2007 than in 2006. Boks added then deleted the “missing” category two months ago. These animals are either “missing” or still in the shelter system being warehoused. This means that things did not improve at all in 2007. The chart below shows what really happened. 
At the end of Ed Boks’ 2007 report he basically gives excuses for the increase in animals dying. He said more are dying because they’re giving them better veterinary care instead of just killing them? He goes on to state that he’s doing everything any NoKill director can to improve things. He says it’s now up to the volunteers and public to break through the “wall.” 
Even more important than what Boks mentioned in his annual report are the things he intentionally omitted. He omitted “other” animals such as birds, hamsters, reptiles and “bunnies.” These animals fared much worse in every category in 2007 than before Boks arrived in 2005. “Other” adoptions are down 50%, New Hope is down 50%, died is up five times as much. 1,500 more died! Euthanasia is the same while intake was down. 
“Bunny” adoptions are down, New Hope is half what it used to be, died is up 50% yet intake is the same. No wonder he didn’t mention these other animals. If you add all animals, the number dying on their own has increased three fold. An extra 2,000 animals are now dying on their own, 3,351 animals total, even though total intake is down. Something is very wrong here. 
Besides the actual numbers, 2007 was not a good year for the Department or Ed Boks. Boks gave his ex-girlfriend a consulting contract for $20,000. No one has even seen her report. Boks gave another female friend a consulting contract for $30,000. No one has seen that original report either. An employee summarized that report and reported nothing new. Since then the commission made a motion to make it mandatory for the commission to approve of any consultant paid over $5,000. 
Boks became embroiled in the Pitbull Academy fiasco. The program itself to match parolees with pitbulls was fine but Boks started the program without any approvals from the LA Animal Services Commission, Personnel Department, Union, City Attorney or City Council. City Councilmembers scolded Boks for over an hour when they ordered him to stop the program. 
Because of a Daily News article about the huge increase in animals dying the City’s Chief Administrative Officer is now investigating the Department. On top of this Boks got in trouble for starting a Trap Neuter Return program without doing the mandatory environmental report. The City was just notified that it is about to be sued by a few environmental groups including Audubon because of his mistake. 
City Controller Laura Chick is now auditing the financials of the Department because revenue is down and expenses up. Revenue is down because Boks gave away animals for free and didn’t collect all dog license fees. Expenses are up because of the extreme warehousing of animals who need extra food and veterinary care. Audits show that Boks had these same financial problems when he worked in Arizona and New York. 
The Animal Cruelty Task Force filmed a mistake filled raid which they aired on public television. They forgot to read the person their rights, destroyed some evidence, lost other evidence, forgot to show up for the hearing and killed most of the animals among other things. All charges were dropped and a lawsuit is now in the making. The Task Force will soon be on Animal Planet’s “Animal Precinct” show. Hopefully they won’t make these mistakes on the show and embarrass the City even more. 
A recent report out of New York City where Boks worked last showed that he under reported euthanasia by 4,282 cats/dogs or 17% in 2005 alone. He stated his euth rate was 43% when he left in 2005 when it was actually over 60%. He stated his 2004 euth rate was 47% when it was really 66%. His true percentage decrease in euthanasia in New York was the lowest of any Director in the last six years. 
More worrisome was the increase in owner requested euthanasia under Boks. Owner requested euthanasia went from 975 cats/dogs per year to 4,494 during his first year. One person at the Mayor’s Alliance stated that this was caused by Boks’ intake “methods.” Boks preferred owner requested euthanasia so he wouldn’t have to include it in his numbers. How many people unknowingly signed over their pet’s life thinking that he or she might actually be adopted instead of just dragged to the back and killed? New York blamed Boks for the failures in New York. They have since revised his incorrect numbers. 
Boks wrote a scathing affidavit for an activist group for a lawsuit against New York. He blabbed confidential information then blamed his failures on the City, Mayor, Commission and employees. That group lost the lawsuit. Boks is now blaming his failures here on the Mayor, Commission, employees, activists, the public and even kittens. 
In response to these problems and more Boks has been blogging away telling everyone that he’s doing everything any NoKill director can possibly do, even though he clearly is not. He’s been blogging about himself in the third person saying that an unnamed “animal advocate” is now writing his blog. In early 2006 Boks started a “fan” blog called LAAnimalFriends where he touted his “success” and attacked all naysayers. He’s become his own “number one fan” again it seems. 
Boks performance since he arrived in Los Angeles is more than a mere disappointment. It’s become surreal that he can make so many mistakes, lie pathologically and still have a job. His lack of honest progress coupled with reports of alcoholism and sexually harassing female rescuers makes one wonder why Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa supports him. Is Villaraigosa too busy campaigning for Hillary Clinton to even know what’s happening back here in LA? 
This story brings an even bigger concern to mind. If this Director is allowed to lie in his reports to the public, what about the Police, Fire and other Departments? Are their reports also fabricated? Is crime really down or not? What’s really happening in Los Angeles? I’m starting to wonder. You should too. 
April 2008
The first quarter 2008 numbers are out. Sadly there was a huge increase in cat and dog intake and euthanasia in Los Angeles City animal shelters. Things are now worse than before Antonio Villaraigosa became Mayor, before he hired his friend so called “nokill” guru Ed Boks to head the Department. Today his Director released a statement confirming his dismal performance while blaming others for his failure.
2008 first quarter 2,391 cats and dogs were euthanized. 2006 only 2,100 were euthanized. 2007 only 1,930 were euthanized. Euthanasia has gone up 24% since just last year. 
The number of cats and dogs dying of illness and injury has increased almost two fold in the last year from 748 to 1,242. Even more alarming first quarter 2008 cat and dog intake was 9,820. It was 8,129 in 2006. It’s up 20%. The last time it was this high was 2003. We’ve gone five years backwards even though Boks promised City Council in 2006 that we’d be “nokill” by 2008. We’re now worse off than before Villaraigosa was elected even though the Department’s budget is higher, there are more employees and they opened the long awaited $150,000,000 larger shelters. 
In Ed Boks’ blog post today he admits to the huge increase in intake and euthanasia. He states that he is “disappointed” with this “anomaly.” He wrote that “finger pointing does not save lives” then he goes on to finger point at his employees and the public. 
Boks states that most of the failure happened in four of the six shelters. He finger points to those shelter managers saying that they are the ones making the euthanasia decisions, not him. Oddly enough when euthanasia seemed to go down when he first arrived he took all of the credit personally. At that time he merely instructed all shelter managers to just hold on to all animals, even if they are dying from illness or injury in overcrowded cages. He was able to show short term progress with his warehousing trick. Warehousing has finally caught up to him and some managers are rebelling against this cruel practice. 
Boks states that he has no idea why more animals are entering the shelter system. He proffers up the possibility that it’s all due to an increase in foreclosures. While foreclosures do indeed play a part in the increase the main reason is probably because he refused to take in unsterilized cats and other animals last year to artificially keep his intake and euth numbers down. These animals had babies which are now arriving at the shelters by the hundreds. The intake of kittens and puppies is up. It’s not just adult pets who lost their home to foreclosure. 
While talking about the effect of foreclosures on pets he states that various rescue groups are trying to figure out a solution. He is the Director. It’s his job to find the solution. He is a personal friend of the Mayor. The City has the power to find the solution be it through an ordinance to make it illegal for landlords to discriminate against responsible pet owners or for some incentive for landlords who rent to responsible people with pets. Every City director must be able to sail their ship in calm and stormy seas. You can’t just blame the weather, do nothing and let the Department sink. 
Besides refusing animals last year he also failed to increase free or low cost spay and neuter surgeries in the City. Today he states they have funded upwards of 40,000 surgeries a year when he’d previously said he’d be doing 56,000 if not 120,000 per year. Spay and neuter surgeries should have gone up, not down. Had they gone up there would be fewer animals today. 
He mentions his many surgery coupons in his blog but forgets to mention that these coupons are only for $30 or $60 when the surgeries today cost $100 to $600. The cost of surgeries has gone up while the coupon prices have stayed the same for years. Of course the number of surgeries will go down. 
He recently admitted that transportation to the clinics is important. Then he admits that he did not provide transportation to the clinics. If someone can’t afford a $200 surgery, they probably don’t have a car. You cannot take a pet on the bus or metro in LA. It’s the director’s job to overcome these problems, not just blog about them and expect others to find the solutions. How about making it legal for people to take non-aggressive pets on the bus or metro in a carrier or on a leash if they are going to a veterinarian. How about free shuttle or taxi vouchers. 
Near the end Boks states that he wants to do TNR (trap neuter return) with feral cats. He blames an environmental group for threatening to sue the City as the reason he can’t do TNR. He states that this group is opposed to TNR. It is not one group buy many of the nation’s largest environmental groups including Audubon. They are not opposed to TNR and don’t want the cats killed. Boks points his finger to the environmentalists so that the activists attacking him for poor job performance will hopefully attack the environmental groups instead. The environmental groups just wants Boks to follow proper procedure for approving all new programs. Boks is still free to encourage private sector to do TNR without the city’s stamp of approval in the interim. 
Lastly Boks states “I don’t offer these explanations as excuses for what we have experienced in our shelters so far in 2008.” His blog reads like a top 14 excuses list. He states he will have a community meeting to discuss ideas. Every time there is a problem in the City they “bring the community together to discuss ideas.” Having been a part of some of these groups, I can tell you first hand that they don’t work. The people are happy to be involved thinking that they will improve things. Over time members get busy and drop out. In the end the few remaining members just write a list of ideas that gets filed away somewhere. By then people have just forgotten about the problem and the City can always say “We formed a community group. Blame them if the problem isn’t solved.” 
There are a few reasons for the increase in intake and euthanasia. First and foremost is that a few of Boks’ number tricks from the last two years finally caught up to him. Numbers games are not sustainable. 
Last year he was refusing the animals most likely to be euthanized, i.e. unsterilized feral cats and kittens. These animals are also the ones most likely to reproduce in large numbers. The animals refused last season had many babies which ended up in the shelter this season. 
Boks had a warehousing program. They would keep animals in the shelters as long as possible. Instead of humanely euthanizing a dying animal they would allow it to die on its own so it wouldn’t have to be counted as euthanasia. He’d put three aggressive pitbulls in a cage and an hour later there’d only be one alive. He’d put one sick puppy in a cage with others and soon they’d all be dead of Parvo or pneumonia. 
Animals dying on their own went from 1,000 to over 3,000 last year. This was at Boks’ orders. The shelter employees were finally sick of witnessing this inhumane treatment and refused to warehouse the animals to death. Animals dying on their own is now back to normal levels so naturally humane euthanasia is up. 
Early this year the employees signed a letter of no-confidence in Ed Boks. They stated that Ed Boks is not a good manager or leader. They refused to continue his warehouse and refusal policies. Boks in turn is complaining that the employees are refusing to follow his orders. He’s said to rescuers that the employees who signed the letter of no confidence are refusing to follow his “life saving” policies and are the main reason why LA is not nokill. I’ve been told that the employees just don’t want to be a part of inhumane treatment of animals or deceptive practices to the public. 
Quite a few articles have been written about Mayor Villaraigosa and Ed Boks’ dismal failure with LA’s animals over the last year. Just about every weekend local animal activists protest at the Mayor, Deputy Mayor Jimmy Blackman, Chief of Staff Robin Kramer and Director Ed Boks’ houses. They demand that Ed Boks be fired. They point to his failures in New York, Arizona and now here. Why isn’t the Mayor doing something? 
The Mayor said he doesn’t want to “cave to terrorists.” What terrorists? People calling Ed Boks a “puppy killer” are “terrorists?” He’s told people he doesn’t want to appear “weak” by “giving in to the activists demands” and firing Boks. If an animal activist came to my house and told me my house was burning down, I would look to see if my house was indeed burning down. If it was, I’d get my dogs out then try to put the fire out. I wouldn’t sit there and deny the fact that my house was burning down just because the person was an “activist.” Look at the message, not the messenger. 
The activists are no longer the only people yelling about the problems. What about the employees and members of the public that are now yelling “fire!” Isn’t it the Mayor’s job to listen to the needs of the public, investigate and react? The Mayor is actually looking weak and uncaring by not taking any action to improve things. He needs to wake up and smell the smoke before more animals die needlessly in our dear City.
October 2008
The Los Angeles City Personnel Committee has called a special meeting to discuss firing General Manager of Animal Services Ed Boks. The meeting will take place Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. in the Van Nuys Civic Center located at 14410 Sylvan St., Van Nuys, CA 91401. Council members Dennis Zine, Tony Cardenas and Bernard Parks will be presiding. City file number 08-2377.
On September 9, 2008 the employees showed up at the City Council meeting to share their problems with Ed Boks with Council members. Euthanasia has increased 37%, the number of animals dying from illness and injury has increased 300% and animal bites to employees have increased. They blamed these problems on Boks’ forced overcrowding and warehousing of animals in order to try to improve his numbers. Employees stated that the conditions were inhumane. 
Council member Dennis Zine stated “I’ve had my issues with Boks’ management activities and the shelters that were ill-equipped to maintain custody of the animals. I believe these employees’ concerns have legitimacy.” Council member Zine made a motion for the special meeting seconded by Council President Eric Garcetti and Council member Bill Rosendahl. A video of that meeting is located on You Tube here 
Boks in response sent a letter to the Councilmembers stating again that these problems are all caused by the employees, not him. He again stated that they are just lazy, their “concerns have no merit” and are “unfair.” He does at least admit to some mistakes. Then he states that all is well with the department incorrectly claiming that “LA is the number one pet adoption agency in the world.” LA is not even the biggest in Southern California let alone the world. A copy of his letter can be found in the link below along with a rescuer’s rebuttal to his letter. 
We ask that all employees, rescuers, activists, animal lovers, members of the public please attend the meeting to express your issues with Ed Boks. This is one time when we all must come together for the good of the animals.
April 2009
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa hired Ed Boks the Director of Animal Services without checking out his references. He did not know that Boks had just been sued for racial discrimination and unlawful termination a month before he hired him. When the City was apprised of the lawsuit in January 2006, Boks told the Mayor that the lawsuit “had no merit.” Antonio did not investigate and took him at his word. Judge Kimba Wood in New York has ruled otherwise.
In an opinion and order dated March 27, 2009 Judge Wood stated that “Viewing the available evidence as a whole, the Court finds that a reasonable jury could conclude that Defendants terminated Plaintiff because of his race.” Since the judge’s ruling the City of New York has decided to settle with the plaintiff Wesley Artope. The exact amount is unknown at this time.

November 1, 2005 Wesley Artope filed a lawsuit against Ed Boks and New York City Animal Care and Control for racial discrimination and unlawful termination. African American Artope claimed that he was fired so that Boks could hire a personal friend, Richard Gentles who was white and had no experience. On top of this Gentles had recently been fired from the Parks and Recreation Department after being arrested and charged with a felony work-related crime. To make things even more awkward Gentles was a friend of the woman Boks was “seeing” who sat on the board that over saw his Department.

As per the lawsuit Artope had been with the Department for many years and was better qualified than his replacement. “Plaintiff was promoted regularly to positions of increasing responsibility. Plaintiff has an Associates Degree in Veterinary Technology and a Bachelors Degree in Psychology. Plaintiff also has licenses and certifications as a veterinary technician, animal handler, and animal rehabilitator, and work experience in animal training, handling, and treatment.” Gentles who replaced him on the other hand had no animal-related experience at all. In deposition Gentles admits that his “only experience with veterinary personnel was when he took his pets to the veterinarian.”

Boks initially told Artope that he was fired for “budgetary and restructuring reasons.” After Artope filed suit Boks changed his story and stated he was fired because of “poor performance.” Oddly enough Artope had never been told his performance was lacking. In fact he was told his performance was “great.” The Judge did not believe Boks’ claim that he fired him because of poor performance.

Boks tried to make the case that he did not discriminate based on race because he also fired two white people and demoted another. The records show that he only demoted one white person. Boks also failed to state that the white person was offered to be demoted instead of fired, and they accepted. Boks did not make this same offer to Artope. The Judge did not believe Boks’ argument.

Artope claimed that when he was fired he was not given the chance to apply for the new position which replaced his. In fact Boks gave the job to his friend Gentles without making it available to anyone which is against City policy. Boks had no explanation for this action at all.

A source close to Boks said Boks gave them this explanation for why he fired Artope and hired his friend Gentles. Boks stated that Artope was “just a lazy black employee.” He wanted to fire him but couldn’t because of the union. He decided to get rid of his position, then recreate his position with a new title. He wanted his personal friend to have the job because he was “like-minded” and needed a job.

While in New York and Los Angeles Boks had a singles ad on In his profile he stated that he is only interested in “white/caucasian” women. No Hispanic, African American or even Asian need apply. Was this whole thing a case of racism or croneyism, or perhaps a little of both?

What is most disturbing is that Antonio Villaraigosa hired Ed Boks immediately after he’d been sued for racial discrimination, immediately after he’d been fired from New York. In deposition it was stated that the Mayor’s Office in New York “hated” Boks and frequently reprimanded him for bad behavior. Deputy Mayor Jimmy Blackman was in charge of vetting Boks. Why didn’t he talk to the people in New York before hiring Boks? Why did LA hire a man who was fired from his previous position because of bad behavior?

Since Boks has come to LA he’s managed to garner the wrath of personnel, volunteers, animal rescuers, the public and even City Council, a first for any Director. It’s been one mistake after another from the “Hooters for Neuters” bikini contest to the Pitbull Academy run by ex-cons to incurring countless lawsuits. Through all of this Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has stood by his side, even after Boks was reported for driving the City vehicle drunk and sexually harassing female rescuers. This is on top of Boks’ poor performance with increased euthanasia and three times as many animals dying on their own in the shelter from illness and injury. It really makes one doubt the abilities of our Mayor. How many other “Ed Boks” has the Mayor appointed to top positions in our City? Does the Mayor even know what is happening? Is he even in town?

November 2009
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa appointed Ed Boks as the Director of Animal Services even though Boks had been fired from his two previous jobs for poor performance. After many, many mistakes and costly lawsuits the Mayor continued to stand by his appointment. Finally, City Council made a motion of “no confidence” in Ed Boks’ leadership in 2009 and demanded that he be fired. Finally Boks was forced to resign. Why did the Mayor appoint Ed Boks, a man with no college education and a bad track record? It seems a local billionaire offered Villaraigosa $10,000,000 if he would hire Boks, and the Mayor accepted.
Mayor Villaraigosa wanted the animal community’s vote in the 2005 Mayoral election. At their CHULA convention he promised if elected he would fire the current Director and appoint a “No Kill” candidate to save the city’s animals. “No Kill” means that an animal will only be killed if it is dying or is extremely aggressive, not because of lack of space. Animal lovers rejoiced at his promise, donated to his campaign and voted Villaraigosa into the Mayoral office. 
After Villaraigosa was elected the animal community asked him to keep his campaign promise and hire a “No Kill” director. After a couple of months the Mayor met with key players in the animal community. He asked them whom they thought would make a good Director. A few names were thrown about though none of the names was “Ed Boks.” 
During this time local billionaire Dr. Gary Michelson became involved. Orthopedic surgeon Michelson is known for winning a 1.3 billion dollar lawsuit settlement against Medtronic over a patent dispute. He started the Found Animals Foundation after the settlement to help reduce pet overpopulation. Forbes magazine refers to Michelson as the “animal nut.” He is locally known for letting his unneutered dog roam the streets, racking up multiple dog off-leash tickets and walking around LA in tank tops to show off his veiny biceps. 
Michelson met with local animal activists in mid 2005 at his home. Besides meeting with moderate activists Michelson also met with militant activists. Two such militant activists were Jerry Vlasak, the Press Officer for the Animal Liberation Front and Pam Ferdin, the head of Animal Defense League. ADL had been attacking the City for years. The local ALF cell targeted the previous Directors and Mayor with death threats, smoke bombs, graffiti and other acts of vandalism. 
Michelson wanted to help make Los Angeles a “No Kill” city. He’d heard of Ed Boks in a magazine when Boks was working in New York. He asked local animal activists how much money he’d have to give the Mayor to make him appoint Ed Boks. They told him he’d need to offer the Mayor at least $10,000,000. 
Michelson set up an appointment with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor Jimmy Blackman. Michelson asked Villaraigosa to appoint Ed Boks. The Mayor and his aides had never heard of Ed Boks. Then Michelson offered him $10,000,000 if he would appoint Boks. Without thoroughly checking out Boks’ background the Mayor agreed. Even after many others stated that Boks had a murky past based on faked numbers, had no college education, was just sued for racial discrimination and was fired from his previous two positions, the Mayor officially appointed Boks January 3, 2006. 
Within a few months the complaints began. Boks was overcrowding cages to lower his euthanasia rate on paper. Animals were dying of disease or cage fights in record numbers. Boks gave away animals for free to improve his numbers which caused already limited revenue to plummet. He tried to hold a “Hooters for Neuters” bikini contest and was forced by women’s groups to cancel the event. He started other programs with no City approvals and had to terminate them. He made a derogatory comment about Jewish people in a press release. Boks started controversy with his blogs viciously attacking any and all detractors. His first annual report ultimately showed that he was the first Director in over 20 years that had not reduced the euthanasia rate. Villaraigosa ignored all complaints and stood by his appointment Ed Boks. 
Boks’ second year he simply refused the animals most likely to be euthanized in order to improve his numbers on paper. The public complained and Boks denied his actions. City Council was forced to step in and reprimanded Boks time and time again. Boks continued to make huge public blunders. He started the “Pitbull Academy” without City approval pairing ex-prison inmates with Pitbull dogs for training in the City shelters. That program was instantly terminated for liability reasons. Finally Boks was sued for sexual harassment by an ex-employee and volunteer in 2007. She accused Boks of “inappropriately touching, grabbing, feeling, hugging, holding Plaintiff, showing up at Plaintiff’s home unannounced, uninvited, and drunk, after being told by Plaintiff not to come, among other things.” Villaraigosa still stood by his appointment Ed Boks. 
Boks performance continued to plummet in his third year. Intakes increased as did euthanasia. The employees complained that three times as many animals were dying from illness and injury in their cages from overcrowding. Employees even reported Boks for “animal cruelty.” The Union and almost every employee signed a letter of “no confidence” in Boks. Villaraigosa ignored their letter so they took it publicly to City Council. Boks told Villaraigosa that the complaining employees were just “lazy.” Boks blamed his failure on the employees refusal to follow his commands. The Mayor was not pleased that anyone would question his appointment publicly. His office called the complaining employees “lazy” “whiners” who “don’t want to work.” Villaraigosa still stood by his appointment Ed Boks. 
Finally, after an expensive settlement in Boks’ sexual harassment lawsuit the City Council made a motion of “no confidence” in Ed Boks. The councilmembers berated Boks over and over for his poor performance and major public fiascos. A few days later Boks was found guilty by a judge in a racial discrimination lawsuit from an African American. Boks fired an experienced African American and hired his white friend who had no experience but did have a criminal record. Finally, the Mayor forced Boks to resign. He gave him two months of paid leave as a golden handshake. Boks even negotiated a letter from the Mayor “thanking” him for his service. 
Soon after settlement of the sexual harassment and racial discrimination lawsuits another lawsuit settlement became public. Dr. Gary Michelson was sued by the ex-Director of his Found Animals Foundation for fraud and defamation. A statement in that lawsuit was physical proof of Michelson’s and Villaraigosa’s illegal agreement to hire Boks in exchange for $10,000,000. Case Number: SC095697, David T. Loftus VS. Gary Karlin Michelson, M.D. Et. Al., Filing Date: 10/18/2007, Case Type: Contractural Fraud (General Jurisdiction), Status: Dismissed. This lawsuit was settled very quickly when this pay to play information came to light. This is from a sworn statement in that lawsuit. 
“Michelson told Plaintiff that he had agreed to fund seven spay and neuter clinics and donate a million dollars to the city of Los Angeles as incentive for Ed Boks, a proponent of the “nokill” policy, to head the department of animal control. Plaintiff advised Michelson that a million dollars would not be enough money. Other animal welfare advocates agreed, and Michelson promised to donate $10,000 ,000 to implement a “nokill” policy in LA. Michelson promised city officials, including mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Deputy Mayor Jimmy Blackman, that if Ed Boks were to be hired as  head of the department of animal control, he would donate $10,000,000 to the department and millions more to animal welfare agencies and animal rescue groups.” 
Employees and animal advocates who worked for and spoke with Michelson admitted that Michelson told others that he “paid” the Mayor to appoint Ed Boks. Michelson also told others that he offered to “make sure” Villaraigosa became Governor if he “followed” Michelson’s wishes if he ran for Governor. People who worked for the City stated that Villaraigosa did agree to accept the money. In fact the Mayor grew impatient that Michelson was not giving the money fast enough. The Mayor’s office even went so far as to state in writing that Michelson was “cheap,” and a “flake,” when the money didn’t come in fast enough. 
This financial deal between Michelson and the Mayor was actually made public by the Animal Liberation Front in early 2006. From their website “the ONLY reason Boks was hired by Villariagosa is because billionaire Gary Michelson offered the Mayor a large contribution to his campaign–pay to play. ADL-LA knows this to be true because two board members (Jerry Vlasak, Pam Ferdin) were witnesses to Michelson’s push for Boks to be General Manager of LAAS and were also told about secret meetings he had with the Mayor’s office. ADL-LA and others begged Michelson to realize that by his pressing for Boks to be hired, he would be indirectly killing thousands of animals, but Michelson wouldn’t listen to anyone but his own ego and Villaraigosa was more then (sic) happy to enter into a pay to play with Michelson since all the Mayor cares about is money to fund his political career.” Because it was posted in the ALF website, no one believed it. 
Michelson’s deal was also mentioned in an LA Weekly interview December 22, 2005, “A Billionaire’s Bark.” “A series of serendipitous events that began just months ago put Michelson in touch with Boks and then Villaraigosa, helped lead to Boks’ hiring here and made Michelson a key player in the latest effort to overhaul the way the city handles wanted and unwanted pets.” “Mid-October (2006) began a period of intense activity. Villaraigosa was in contact with Boks and with Michelson.” 
February 2006 another article in LA Weekly entitled “Did Villaraigosa hire Ed Boks to run Animal Services without checking his background?” delved further into the dirty deal. Union President Julie Butcher who represents LAAS workers had this to say, “[SEIU] continues to advocate the broadest and most open, fair process for hiring,” says Butcher. “Anything else is a de facto slap in the face to every worker within the organization; in the absence of an equitable promotional scheme, these decisions become – or appear to become – ones based on back-scratching, name-dropping, and glad-handing – and lord knows there’s already way too much of that in local government.” 
Currently Los Angeles is in need of yet another Director for Animal Services. The Mayor has supposedly hired a head hunting company to lead the search. In October the Mayor sent out a questionnaire on SurveyMonkey to “stakeholders” in the animal community. These “stakeholders” included local bloggers, activists who dislike the Mayor, animal rescuers and others. The survey asked respondents such easy questions as “should the Director have” the “ability to analyze,” “be objective,” “have interpersonal skills,” “have a vision,” “care about animals,” “have integrity” and “have experience.” Some worry that this “search” is actually just to appease the locals and make the search appear to be unbiased and objective. Some say the Mayor’s already sold the position to the highest bidder. 
Los Angeles is closely watching the Mayor in this selection process. Whom will he appoint next? A friend of a benefactor or someone actually qualified for the job? In the meantime, if anyone knows of a good candidate for the position, instruct them to send their resume to Steve.Rivera [at] who is heading the search. It may be a waste of time but then again, you never know.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates,,, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride

Gary Michelson commits perjury in my case – Karlin, Found Animals Foundation

I sued the City of Los Angeles for unlawful termination and harassment. I received a settlement. My attorney told me to add Gary Michelson to the suit because he was the one who hired and paid me. He also is the one who promised the Mayor money if he would hire Ed Boks. The Mayor hired him without checking out his past or any references. Turns out Ed Boks had a ten year history of sexual harassment.
I did not add Gary Michelson or the Foundation because I thought they were doing good things for animals. Besides the City had enough resources to pay for the damages. I regret this.
In mediation in my case the mediator states Defendants gave them a signed declaration from my boss stating he fired me because I did a bad job. They didn’t show me the statement. I knew Gary Michelson would never state or write such a thing. He always told me he loved my work, he didn’t fire me, he didn’t even know I was fired. 
I called up Loftus thinking he must have written the statement. He said he didn’t. I go online and see this statement in the docket. I was shocked and steaming mad!
I spoke with people who know Gary Michelson well and asked them what I should do. Gary Michelson perjured himself! What he wrote was an utter lie. I don’t even think Gary Michelson wrote it because he misspells the name of his own Foundation many times. It’s “Found AnimalS Foundation” plural. 
His friends advise me to leave a polite phone message. If he doesn’t respond, send a polite fax or letter. If he still doesn’t respond, tell him that I will be forced to sue him. I did as they suggested and no response. I finally send the ultimatum letter. It is below. I only *’d out some personal names. I sent this June 2009. I just added my new comments in ( ).
Mary Cummins
645 W. 9th St. #110-140
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(310) 877-4770
June 2009
Gary Michelson
13140 Boca De Canon
Los Angeles, CA 90049
RE: Statement dated 9/26/2008 Cummins-Cobb vs City of LA
I just read your statement which you signed under penalty of perjury in my lawsuit. Your statement is incorrect. As the name of your own Foundation is spelled incorrectly, I believe the City wrote this statement for you. I don’t know why you would lie to help the City when all I’ve done is support you. I need you to retract this incorrect statement. It is libel and defamation besides an act of perjury. 
I spoke with the *** about this situation. They told me to first call you then write a personal letter before I take any action. I have already left a phone message and you did not respond. I am now writing a personal letter as they suggested. 
Here is some information for clarification of what actually transpired.
1. You did not fire me. Dave Loftus fired me. In fact you told me several times “Mary, I never fired you. I didn’t even know you were fired.” I sent you a few faxes with your exact quotes in them in 2006 when you wanted me to help you with your problems with Loftus when you accused him of embezzlement. I’ve attached these.
2.You were not critical of my work. You told me you liked my work which is why you hired me. You had not even seen my Foundation work until after Loftus fired me. I did everything that Loftus told me to do. I even asked if there was more work for me to do. I gave you these emails when I gave you the bill. After I was fired you asked for a copy of my report. I gave it to you and you said you really liked the report. You liked my work. You even said the same to others including Loftus. Loftus called me up and yelled at me for going behind his back. He said that you yelled at him for not paying me for my “great” work.
3. You stated you were not contacted about any further work for me. I have an email in which Ed Boks stated that he gave me a good recommendation for the Director position for your Foundation in early 2007. He told me he talked to you about this. Loftus also told me that there was more work for me if the City would just request the work in writing. I have these emails.
During the last three years I have defended you, your Foundation and  your actions repeatedly. In fact I did not add you as a defendant in my lawsuit because I didn’t want you to stop helping animals in LA. The mediator in my lawsuit said that because you signed the checks, I should have added you as a defendant as you were financially liable for what happened to me. Here are a few more examples of how I’ve supported you.
1. In 2006 Ed Boks told everyone that you were gay and Dave Loftus was your gay lover. He said that is the only reason why you’d hired Dave. I told Boks and others that I didn’t think you were gay and Loftus is not your lover.

(I personally didn’t think Gary was gay. Dave was not his lover. I thought Gary probably didn’t have intimate encounters with anyone but himself due to his odd upbringing, going to an all boy school, never being involved in extracurricular activities in school, just working and tinkering after med school, not socializing. I went to all THE parties in the mid-eighties to late nineties and I did not see him anywhere. I went to the most popular elite gym in the US down the street from his house and he was not a member. While he did look at me once inappropriately, it was not sexual but just plain strange. He was looking at my chest like “what are those? boobs?” Yes, he does speak and act effeminately at times then he tries to cover it up by being over the top macho like a closet case. I don’t know any female who’s ever slept with him. Plus, who tells Forbes “I’m attractive and single”? I can say that the way he reacted in the Neil Campbell case is like a scorned wanna be lover. I was also told that Gary used to travel to Italy and such with Wayne Pacelle of HSUS. Everyone has always thought Wayne was gay but others have told me he’s bi because he has a girlfriend. I met him night before he was appointed CEO of HSUS and I assumed he was gay. Why would I or anyone care if he is bi, gay or straight. Almost everyone else of course has told me that Gary is gay. Maybe this is why mom and dad didn’t want him and gave him to granny. Back then being gay wasn’t as accepted especially among Russian Jews on the east coast. Probably another reason why he moved West. Nobody in CA would care if Gary were gay, bi, straight or asexual. If he came out tomorrow as gay, no one would give a shit. This is LA.)

2.  After you promised the Mayor that you would donate a lot of money to the Department you did not donate much money. ***, Jimmy Blackman, the Mayor and Ed Boks were all calling you a “cheapskate,” a “flake” and a “nut.” I told them that you were just getting things set up and they should give you time. Boks even asked me to post on the blogs that you were a “cheapskate” hoping to embarrass you into giving more money. I did not do that. I defended you on the blogs.
3. When I thought Loftus wasn’t looking out for your best interest, I contacted your friend Karl. I shared my research with him with the promise he wouldn’t share it with Loftus. I was told you then approached Loftus with my information. Loftus then called me up and threatened me on the phone saying he was going to destroy me and Boks.
4. When you and your friend Karl Doerstling told me that Dave Loftus was a criminal who embezzled $250,000 from you, I told you and Karl I would help. I told you and Karl where Loftus would be on three occasions so he could be arrested by the police. You asked me to write a statement and I agreed, then you never asked for a statement. I never heard anything about your situation with Loftus until I pulled up his lawsuit last week to see which attorney he used.

(Dave Loftus did not embezzle or steal any money from Gary. Gary made that story up because he wanted to back out of a deal because he got cold feet. Gary tried to file a criminal case against Dave but LAPD refused. They told the Mayor’s office that no crime had been committed. Dave then sued Gary for defamation and got a big quick settlement)

5. Boks told me that the LAPD did not want to write a report about Loftus’ supposed embezzlement. You supposedly asked Boks to help. He contacted the LAPD who shared your confidential information with Boks. Boks then told everyone that you are “crazy” and an “idiot” who just regretted doing business with Loftus. He said Loftus never embezzled money from you. He said you tried to file a false police report and everyone was laughing at you including the police. Even after this, I still defended you.
6. During all this time Ed Boks kept sharing  your confidential information with people such as when you invited *** and *** to your house to go waterskiing. He told everyone that you were “crazy” for inviting “known terrorists” to your house. He said you were going to give them a grant for their activities because you believed in what they were doing. I defended you saying you just didn’t know what they really do.
7. I have been positively updating your Wikipedia page with a friend for the past two years.
8. The *** wrote a positive article about your philanthropic activities. They told me to send it around, get it out there and I did.
9. I sent in five entries for your Michelson Prize. Had I read your statement earlier, I obviously wouldn’t have sent them in knowing that you have the right to exclude any entry.
I don’t know if you read my lawsuit against Ed Boks and the City. One reason I sued was because the City was not protecting me from your friends ***
One reason they did it was because I was supporting Boks whom they hated. My job at that time was to help Ed Boks. Loftus told me to “do whatever Boks needs.” Boks even emailed me “now you have to do whatever I want.” I did what I was instructed to you. You paid me to do this. That is why I was attacked. 
I also sued for sexual harassment. I’d assumed the City did a background check on Ed Boks before hiring him. I just discovered this is not true. I just pulled up Loftus’ lawsuit. I’ve attached the page of interest. Here it is in text format:
“Michelson told Plaintiff that he had agreed to fund seven spay and neuter clinics and donate a million dollars to the city of Los Angeles as incentive for Ed Boks, a proponent of the “nokill” policy, to head the department of animal control. Plaintiff advised Michelson that a million dollars would not be enough money. Other animal welfare advocates agreed, and Michelson promised to donate $10,000 ,000 to implement a “nokill” policy in LA. Michelson promised city officials, including mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Deputy Mayor Jimmy Blackman, that if Ed Boks were to be hired as  head of the department of animal cotrol., he would donate $10,000,000 to the department and millions more to animal welfare agencies and animal rescue groups.”
You offered to pay the Mayor to hire Ed Boks. I don’t know if you know this but if this is true, both you and the Mayor committed a crime. The DA would be forced to investigate this situation. 
Because you offered money and the Mayor accepted, they did not do a background check on Boks. Boks has a ten year history of sexual harassment. When he spoke at Best Friend’s “No more homeless pets” seminars, they had to hire a “minder” to follow him because of the numerous complaints of sexual harassment. They finally stopped inviting him to the event. You offered to pay the Mayor to hire Ed Boks who then sexually harassed me besides causing me other grief.
This leads me to the current situation. I will be working to get a restraining order to get all of those malicious blogs removed. Then the only negative information about me on the web will be your perjurious statement. That statement was picked up by the media and will be on the internet forever. I will not be able to continue to save animals. That is what hurts me the most. As an animal lover I would think you would understand.
Contrary to what the news indicates, my lawsuit is not settled. If we do not settle, we go to trial. I reserved the right to continue depositions if there is no settlement. You will be deposed so we can clarify these items. Obviously, if the City is talking settlement it’s because they know there is merit to my lawsuit.
The *** told me to contact you to see about you making these things right. I am doing that with this letter. If I do not hear from you, I will be forced to explore legal avenues to rectify this situation.
Mary Cummins
Gary Michelson did not reply. I then contacted the attorney who sued Gary Michelson on behalf of Dave Loftus. He said I had a great case with great evidence. He then said even though they got a good settlement quickly from Gary Michelson he did not want to go up against him again. He said his lawyers are ruthless and unethical. I did not sue Gary Michelson. He did commit perjury not to mention bribing an elected official.

Dr Gary Michelson, Michelson Prize, $75 million, Found Animals Foundation, Dr. Gary Michelson, Gary Michelson, Gary, Michelson, Gerald, Michaelson, Gary Michaelson, G Karlin Michelson, Gary Karlin Michelson, Gary K Michelson, Karlin Michelson, Alya Michelson, Mary Cummins, Animal Advocates,,, Aimee Gilbreath, teak, farm, billionaire, Forbes, lawsuit, fraud, pitbull, purebred, bribe, bribery, patent, spine, animal nut, patent troll, thief, criminal, childhood, philadelphia, pennsylvania, boca de canon, Los Angeles, California, Ed Boks, Antonio Villaraigosa, steve cooley, jackie lacey, donation, district attorney, inventor, hall of fame, grandmother, hand, fire, burn, 20, million minds, text book, free, surgery, surgical, twenty million minds, dog, high school, law, lawyer, doctor, dr., Michelson Medical Research Foundation, foundation, wilshire, Karlin Asset Management, KAM, Found Animals Legislative Fund, mom, dad, mother, father, brother, Gracie, bull, spay, neuter, adopt, buy, capital, karlin ventures, david cohen, tianxiang zhuo, spinal, surgeon, ceo, Karlin Real Estate, charity, 501 3c, irs, nonprofit, non-profit, Gary Karlin Michelson M D Charitable Foundation, gay, homosexual, wayne pacelle, hsus, animal services, temple university, medical, school, born, flake, crazy, central high school, Hahnemann Medical College, drexel, jewish, russian, Medtronic, Wikipedia, grant, $25, $50, Kremlin, mail order bride

Dr. Gary Michelson, "Inventors at Work" – Gerald Michaelson

Dr. Gary Michelson is Chapter five in this book “Inventors at Work.” I did not load this book up to the Internet. Go to page 60. Gary Michelson talks about his difficult upbringing. His dad called him an idiot. His mother didn’t pay him much attention. He was flunking school but his teachers graduated him just to get rid of him. Poor, Gary. Nobody wants him.

Page 60, Chapter five deals with Dr. Gary Michelson. I don’t know who loaded this entire book up to the Internet.

Gary Michelson aka Gerald Michelson wanted to be a lawyer, not a doctor at age 18

Below is from Gary Michelson’s high school year book. He is Gerald Michelson who was living at 1805 E. Hazzard Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It says he wants to be a lawyer and is going into law. I got this from and pg 108 listed as a senior, pg 225 listed as a graduate. That means his story about his granny burning herself on the stove and telling him he’ll be a doctor in second or third grade is bogus. He probably went into spine work because it pays good money and that is Gary’s main motivator in life. Maybe Gary actually wanted to get a law degree so he could sue the stove for burning his granny.

Below are links to Central High School in Philadelphia. He was class of 1965. Central  high school was an all boys school at the time. This is probably one reason why Gary Michelson has major issues with women. 

Why does Gary Michelson advertise his own real estate holding company as a business?

Dr. Gary Michelson is Karlin Real Estate, Karlin Asset Management. They are his holding companies. The people who work for Karlin Real Estate work for him. Why does he have a website bragging about his people, services and return on his own investment? Is he trying to solicit new investors, clients? Or is he just bragging about his accomplishments for no reason? Is he trying to get people to offer him real estate?

I remember seeing Gary receive a business license tax refund because these companies were his private holding companies. They weren’t a business. Why is he advertising as if he were a business? Is this for David Cohen’s ego?

He has has a venture capital fund. He’s looking to invest $100K to $1.5M in business ideas.

Out of one side of Gary Michelson’s mouth he said he got swindled in teak farms in Costa Rica. Out of the other side of his mouth he brags that he made a bundle in teak farms in Costa Rica. Which is it?

As I now look at the lawsuit and criminal charges against Philip Powers I don’t think Gary has a case. He had real estate appraisers, real estate lawyers look at the teak farm properties before he bought them. Then Gary Michelson bought they for an agreed upon price. Gary Michelson made a lot of money on the deals. He didn’t lose money, no money was stolen. If Karlin Real Estate and Karlin Asset Mgmt were that experienced, knowledgeable, how did Gary Michelson come to feel cheated? Did his advisors do a bad job? Maybe Gary sued Powers because he found out Powers made a profit. He probably got mad at David Cohen who then blamed Powers and Campbell.

I don’t trust that supposed “agreement” which calls for six percent commission. That’s not how things work in Costa Rica. I know because I helped a friend with some real estate issues in Belize. It’s a completely different world. There is no MLS or easy escrows.

I also don’t trust it because Gary spelled his last name as “Michaelson” and not “Michelson.” What is Gary’s real last name? Is “Michaelson” just a spelling, typographical error? I know with my name people generally misspell it “Cummings.” Some people even misspell my first name “Marie” or “Marilyn.” I have never misspelled my own name yet Gary in his own handwriting printed his name wrong.

In the appeal case Gary Michelson tried to argue “loss of a bargain.” I think that’s what he’s trying to argue in the CA civil fraud case with the teak farms. Powers bought a piece of property. He spent money and time to clear liens, secure title so it would fit Gary’s needs. He offered it to Gary at a certain price. Gary and his experts agreed and bought the property. Now Gary wants any profit Powers might have made. Powers is a land dealer. That’s what he does. Gary lost the appeal case for this exact same reason. If Powers had an attorney, he could have argued this but he didn’t. Powers needs to appeal the CA case but he can’t afford an attorney. I am happy that I was able to write my own appeal in the Texas case. Otherwise I would have been screwed like Powers.

Gary Michelson reinvents the wheel and sues original wheel inventor

“No need to reinvent the wheel” is a common phrase. It of course means why make a new product when you already have a fine product. This is similar to Gary Michelson’s Prize not to mention his silly paperclip patent. He is offering $25M for a one dose sterilant for male, female, cats and dogs and another $50M for research into said product. We already have drugs that do that. Why reinvent the wheel? In this case if Gary reinvents the wheel he can force all wheel inventors to pay him a license or stop making wheels. He can sell his wheel and make money just like the threaded spinal cage patent. It’s all about putting more money in Gary’s pocket. Let me explain.

Right now we have drugs that will permanently sterilize animals. They’ve already been tested. The drugs were invented, discovered, made many years ago by other people. Gary Michelson knew this before he offered his “Prize.” Gary does not care about ending pet overpopulation. He is fine watching millions of animals being needlessly born, living short inhumane lives, dying on their own on the street or killed in an animal shelter. He could be using his money to buy and administer the known drugs to stop the insanity of pet overpopulation…but he chooses not to do so.
Instead Gary Michelson the money hoarder decides to offer a “Prize” for a one dose sterilant. The catch is “He” must be able to patent then sell it for profits. Gary dangles a prize so people can make even more money for him. Gary is a money hoarder. While he may not buy expensive cars, yachts, jewelry, he does like having, controlling a lot of money. Perhaps because he grew up poor money has always been his main goal. In fact I bet he got into spine surgery because it’s lucrative. I now don’t believe he got into spine surgery to help his granny’s old back. His high school year book in 1965 said he wanted to be a lawyer, not a doctor. Plus, he was a psychology major in undergrad, not pre-med.
Gary Michelson is hoping to patent and sell his own drug for profits. I believe he is trying to knock off human sterilants as animal sterilants. He is trying to reinvent the wheel. That is why when I spoke to Abbott Laboratory who makes Lupron they said they will change their label, patent to say it can also be used as an animal sterilant. This way Gary Michelson can’t be a patent troll with their patent. If Gary were to have made a drug one molecule, ingredient, element off and stated it was to sterilize animals, he could get the patent. It has to be a new drug with a different purpose. This way if a company such as Lupron were to start selling their human sterilant as an animal sterilant Gary could sue them or ask for a licensing fee.