Gary Michelson sues girlfriend for return of a gift

Gary Michelson doesn’t just sue over spine patents, real estate deals gone south, attorneys who rip him off, he also sues his girlfriends. This is public knowledge from a very public lawsuit filed in Orange County September 4, 2007, Gary Michelson vs Brook Alexander case # 07CC09539. I’m intentionally misspelling her name slightly. I’m sure she also wants to forget about Gary.

Gary filed an amended complaint October 15, 2007. They settled November 5, 2007. January 10, 2008 Gary Michelson requests dismissal with prejudice. Mark J Werksman represented Gary Michelson.

If Gary Michelson doesn’t want all this information to be public knowledge, he should not file public lawsuits. He could file under seal but he doesn’t. Not only did he file publicly but he told everyone and their mother about the lawsuit. I heard about it from a few sources. He was crying on everyone’s shoulder with his usual “story” that he was the poor victim of a scammer.

Back to the lawsuit, Gary Michelson was dating a very pretty young woman who may have been a fitness model and had a PhD. He was introduced to her by an attorney with the last name of Nownejad who may have also dated her. She lived in Orange County possibly Dana Point.

Gary Michelson very easily goes head over heels with women. He quickly gave her a very expensive ring which she accepted. He told people she was his fiancé. He was going to buy her a mansion. Gary being Gary ended up in a big fight and supposedly the police had to be called in. Brook then told Gary she didn’t want to see him any more. Gary asked for the ring back. She said no because he told her originally it was a gift and not given with the expectation of marriage.

Gary again being Gary sued her. The rest is in public documents if you want to pull them up.

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