Ms Michelson divorces from Gary Michelson

I won’t be spelling out Gary Michelson’s ex-wife’s name completely. She hasn’t done anything wrong and I’m sure she’d like to forget about him. I don’t blame her for divorcing Gary Michelson. Some of this is from public legal records from the divorce and depositions. Some came straight from Gary Michelson.

Gary Michelson married Ms Burch in 2001. I was told there was a prenuptial agreement. She had to stay married to him for at least a year. If she did that, she could divorce him and get $5,000,000. She would get nothing more. Yes, he paid someone $5,000,000 to marry him it seems. I have proof of marriage and divorce. The prenuptial information comes from Gary Michelson. She filed for divorce immediately after one year.

Gary Michelson was supposedly born in 1949 while Ms Burch was born in1974 for a 25 year age difference. Their divorce was finalized in 2003. All of Gary’s serious girlfriends were at least 25 years younger than him.

They owned a home at 4728 Emerald Bay in Arvin in 2000 in both of their names. She gave it back to Gary at the end of their divorce in 2003. They owned a home at 1724 Rose Ave in Burbank in 2002. Gary signed it over to her in 2003. She sold it in 2006. Ms Burch’s parents lived/live in Sunland. All these properties are in California.

Anyone who knows Gary will know this next story is a common Gary story. This is why I believe Gary should just stay at home far away from people. Anyway Gary was invited to Christmas dinner (He’s Jewish) at Ms Burch’s parents’ house. He bought a cake for $30 and brought it to the party. He kept complaining about the price of the cake telling everyone he was ripped off. He said paraphrased “the flour and sugar couldn’t be worth more than $1.” He ended up getting in a fight with Ms Burch for acting like an idiot and he was asked to leave.

The divorce was filed in Search Gary’s name.

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